
Communicating withe the Angels part 3

How you will connect As I said the angels will appear or connect with you in the manner in which you will accept them and the way you perceive them. There are four ways that you will connect to your angels.

 In what manner will you communicate with them? Why are we learning about intuition senses in an angel class? We are doing this because I feel it is important to know how you process things and also for you to have a better understanding how you will sense your angels and spirit guides.

Intuition Senses

Psychic vision- Clairvoyant Through the ages, psychic vision has often been referred to as clairvoyance or “clear seeing” since it allows you to see clearly beyond the reach of your eyes. Clairvoyance is the form of ESP, which expresses itself as a picture, image or visual impression. Traditionally it is associated with receiving visual insights either through meditation, dreams or visual premonition.

 Whether you realize it or not you all have had numerous experiences with clairvoyance in your life, such as the time a mental image of an old friend appeared to you and then you got a phone call or letter from them. When you visualize with your mind, you are tapping into your psychic vision and the images that appear are clairvoyant impressions.

Every time you dream or daydream; the subtle mental images use the psychic inner eye. In effect, psychic vision is like having an internal television screen that displays information and pictures not available to your physical eyes. You may think these experiences are coincidences but it is your psychic vision at work.

People who have visions as the most natural of their skills tend to live their physical life and psychic life from a visual perspective. They experience life as one vivid mental image after another. Whether planning a meal or one’s life work, the ability to see the entire picture is their most important reference and greatest strength.

Feelers “go with the flow”. As long as they are comfortable they will enjoy the moment. Prophetics know the plan will come, so they adapt moment to moment. An audient is more concerned with the understanding on how the current situation can be explained, whereas a visionary needs not only to see the total picture but all of its connections too.

Just as the audient needs to understand “why”, the visionary wants to see how they will fit together. Without that complete view, the visionary is as unmovable as an audient is without their understanding. For visionaries, time spent visualizing and daydreaming is a necessity. This visual ruminating is where they get their best ideas and set the direction for their life. Visualization for them is more than just wishful thinking. It is a psychic road map they can follow.

If you are a psychic visionary, looking at things give additional reassurance. Just like aura pictures make you feel what you are seeing is true. A prophetic will know something is right, a visionary must see it to know it. An audient can tell about a person over the phone, a visionary must meet the person. The feeler will want to get close and even touch people; the visionary will stand back to get a better view.

A visionary likes a lot of windows in their house, scenic views when they travel and as many lights on as possible. After all, how can you see what’s important if you don’t have the lights on? In intimate relationships, the visionary needs to have lights on and visual stimulation, a feeler needs to touch and embrace, an audient likes to talk and be listened to and a prophetic intuitively adapts to the needs of their partner.

Another distinctive characteristic to a visionary is their resistance to change. Remember they have an internal picture of how they expect everything and that inner picture is their security and reference point. This gives visionaries the attitude of being inflexible and rigid. If you force a visionary for an immediate answer it will always be “no”.

The secret to suggesting change to a visionary is to introduce an idea calmly and give them time to reshape their inner images. When an idea is introduced without pressure, visionaries will eventually visualize a way to work the change into the total plan.  For visionaries, “sleeping on ideas” literally is an excellent policy. Rather than saying “no” right away, say, “let me think about it and get back to you”.

It is believed that the seat of psychic vision is in the area of the third eye. This area is the psychic vision reception area. Many religions anoint or decorate that area in baptismal or other blessing rituals to close it off. Schools of meditation tell students to focus their thoughts there and visualize an image or scene.

Psychic Feeling- clairsentient Of the 4 psychic senses “feeling” is the most accessible. It is the easiest to open and interpret. I am sure there were many times when you sensed a situation before it happened. Many call this a “gut feeling or the heebie geebies”. This is generally referred to as physical sensation.

All people, places and objects constantly radiate vibrational patterns and your physical body is like a huge antenna able to register and assimilate their meaning as inner feelings. If you are a psychic feeler your profile is something like this: You are concerned for and about others, you can easily sense when something is troubling others and you freely give up your time to assist them, you don’t like deadlines and time restrictions, and you make every effort to put everyone else at an emotional ease.

Now at the same time, feelers must protect themselves against the onslaught of energy from people and the environment. Many emotional outbursts or negative actions of tension, depression, anxiety and anger are not yours at all but sensations that you are picking up from others.  And since you do not understand this your emotions will have an “outburst” for no reason or get carried away and not be able to stop.

When this happens, it is very hard to see clearly what the issue is and why you are reacting so violently. Almost to the point of getting extremely carried away. At this time a feelers mind goes “crazy” and you begin to “see” things that aren’t even present and therefore cannot even process in a logical manner. This is a point where facts and things begin to get invented.

Although your whole body can act as the antenna the focal point of this is in the abdomen or “hara” region. This can also transmit to the top of your diaphragm to just below your navel. What you feel is an uncomfortable feeling and depending on your level of “feeling” it can range from a tickle, to nausea, to an anxiety attack. Most people have a habit of crossing their arms over their stomach region, turn sideways or move behind something to block the feeling they are having.

The key to success with psychic feeling is learning to accept and interpret even the most fleeting or subtle impression. It could be as simple as getting a chill and “know” someone is present.

Psychic Hearing – clairaudient Most of the time psychic hearing or clairaudience is gentle and subtle like hearing quiet music or a muted voice that speaks to you through stereo headphones. That "inside the head" sensation is what makes psychic hearing so much like talking to yourself. Unfortunately, it also creates what would be considered a credibility gap for people who think they are high in this psychic sense. They don’t think of themselves as having ESP or special talents.

People who are strong in psychic hearing tend to ask themselves these questions: Does psychic perception really exist? Why haven’t I had the same kind and number of ESP experiences as others have had? Others have strong feelings, experience premonitions or see full visions, why doesn’t that happen to me?

Are these some of the questions you have asked yourself? Perhaps you have even had a dialogue with yourself such as: Maybe I’m not psychic. All I experience is myself thinking. My thoughts are mental judgments based upon what I already understand or common sense.

If you have asked yourself these kinds of questions and came to those conclusions it is highly likely that you are high in psychic hearing but do not recognize or understand how to utilize your psychic strengths. You do not realize that you have been utilizing and having valid psychic experiences all of your life. You can learn to develop this skill and become aware how it works for you all the time. You will also learn why being analytical is so important to you.

What is psychic hearing all about? Psychic hearing involves the reception of extrasensory signals as a word, sound or form of language. A clairaudient impression is an inner hearing quite similar to what you hear in your mind when you talk to yourself. It can also be as subtle as just a mental understanding that comes in the form of words.

That is why people who are high in this psychic sense are so analytical. They do not feel satisfied until they have had some physical proof to be sure. This gives them a sense of clarity and precision they require just as a feeler needs to be comfortable, and the visionary needs to see. But a clairaudient with their analytical nature can and will try to talk themselves out of what they think they know.

Psychic hearing is very close to talking to yourself so many clairaudients do not realize that what they are doing is hearing psychically. They think of this as second nature or common sense. They do not think of themselves as having ESP even if it is staring them in the face.

Psychic Knowing – Claircognizant This is my highest sense.

The association of psychic knowing and prophecy has led many to believe that this form of extrasensory perception can only be about the future. It is the most future oriented of all the psychic senses but any can be used for premonition or prediction.

Why then is this form of most strongly associated with premonition? The first reason is that most people will try to talk themselves out of other types of precognition. Visual and felling are generally downplayed and labeled the imagination or fears. Hearing is easily passed as talking to oneself or what we want to hear.

The second reason is that “knowing” comes out of the blue without necessarily having supportive evidence. That is why when it does come true and we remember thinking this in the past, it becomes prophecy and linked to future sensing. Psychic knowing is ESP that occurs not as a vision, voice or a feeling but as an instantaneous knowing. That knowing can be about the past, present or future.

The reception area for this is at the top of your head. Just direct your thoughts upward. Just think up! Think of a funnel that is open at the top of your head and extends out towards the Universe. To evaluate a person or situation, focus your awareness upward and note your intuitive first impression.

Why? Scientifically the top of the head is where the central fissure of the brain lies. It is the most unobstructed pathway to the nerve bundles that interconnects the two hemispheres of the brain.  Shifting your awareness upward also cause an increase in alpha brain wave activity which the pattern most associated with altered states of consciousness.

Metaphysically, the region of the aura the surrounds the top of the head had been traditionally viewed as the opening to the higher consciousness or the Divine self or the Crown Chakra. People who work with psychic knowing are generally called “prophetic”. These people work at an accelerated pace. They operate in high gear all the time. They talk fast, move all the time and often interrupt conversations.

This is because they are constantly having ideas “pop” into their heads. They can’t save them for later discussions because the idea will vanish or they won’t remember what they said or were saying if you interrupt them. If a prophetic has thrown an idea out to you for any reason, jot it down, literally, for future reference because you never know where it will lead.

Prophetic’s have a very difficult time mediating because they can’t quiet their minds long enough to do so. but they shouldn’t even try. This flow of thoughts is what their strength is. The key for meditation for a prophetic is to let the ideas flow while doing something else that is “relaxing”.

 Many times, a prophetic will interrupt your dissertation with “I know”. They aren’t trying to be rude. They really do know what you are about to say before you finish. Don’t try to slow a prophetic down. You may cause them to lose their train of thought regarding you and tune you out. If you want to keep a prophetic’s attention, keep it short and simple.

Never ask a prophetic to be “set” in what they tell you. A lot of times they will receive last minute instructions so they try not to be too rigid in what they say. They know the thoughts and ideas will come even if they aren’t certain where it is leading at this time.

On the other hand, listen to two prophetic's talking to each other. You will notice that a conversation never seems to be finished, as they never finish sentences. It is more of an “uh huh” and “I know” back and forth like a psychic shorthand.

And prophetic’s are generally playful creatures. They have to be to handle the intenseness of their job. They also need freedom to handle the rapidly shifting gears. They can get overwhelming in the knowledge they share because they are overwhelmed. The key to psychic knowing is to capture your psychic impressions the instant you open the door. With time and practice, you will be able to control the timing of the opening of the door.

Remote viewing or sensing falls into the category of psychic knowing. The instant information you receive with this helps avoid difficulties and to be in the right place at the right time.  It also helps you to learn to better deal with people, how to relate and communicate with them. By understanding them through psychic knowing you will be better able to handle situations that involve them.

What are some of the things that you need to use to connect?

1) Listen – Keep a journal if need be. We as humans are dense. We don’t hear clearly. If we write things down and review them later, things may make more sense. As time goes on you will see a pattern as to when the angels talk to you and will recognize the connection immediately.

2) Patience – One of the dirtiest 4 letter words in the English language is “wait”. Remember the connection or understanding doesn’t necessarily happen immediately.  Don’t lose faith. The information will come to you.

3) Communicate – Talk with the angels. Start with a monologue but end with a dialogue. Listen and don’t be afraid. Children understand this. Adults have lost this ability. Most people think that they should “pray” to the angels. The angels are not “above” you. They are part of you. Communication is a two-way street. Expect a conversation.

4) Trust – When Divine company comes, let it in. Angels will never impose upon your privacy. If they find a door closed they will not enter but will patiently wait. They also will never leave you.

  • For every willing soul, there is a willing angel. Angels don’t seek your love; they love you unconditionally.

  • Angels are here to prove we can trust and to help us understand ourselves. If you drop your defenses and open your eyes to their wisdom you will see they encourage you to keep going.

  • You need to accept the loving feelings of the angels, as they only want your happiness. They want you to fly.

Benefits One of the benefits of calling on the angels is that you upgrade your attitude. By opening up to a positive view you enhance and increase your chances of success. There are a few ways to ensure manifestation.

1) Loving acceptance – Sometimes we are so afraid to ask that we deny our desire

2) Intention – Have commitment to your goal, No ifs and’s or buts.

3) Affirmation – Affirm it out loud. Use visualization or write it down. Say “Angels I choose to have _______.” You are the co-creator with the help of the angels.

4) Release - Let your goal go to the universe so it can take over.

5) Thanks – Don’t forget to say thanks as if it has already happened. Be generous in your thanks and praise for the Source of all.

Exercise Write down a question that you would like your guardian angel to answer for you. Close your eyes and breathe slowly. Picture a landscape that is comfortable to you… a cave, a beach, a meadow, or possibly a forest clearing. Wherever your mind takes you is where you are to meet your angel.

Concentrate on the sounds and the smells around you. In the middle of your landscape there is a well or running water.  Imagine all of your negative feelings being bundled up into a black ball in the middle of your body and being thrust into the well or river. See it leaving you.

Now picture a white ball of light hovering over your head. The light descends and spreads over your body until it envelops you and fills you. You will be given a sign of some sort to let you know that your guardian angel is with you. It will be an unmistakable sign so powerful that as you proceed through daily living you will recognize it and know when your guardian is present.

Now converse with your angel regarding your question. You may not receive an answer right away. It may take a few days to fully understand what is being said. That is okay. When you are finished conversing, thank your angel and give them a hug. Concentrate on your breathing and the sounds around you. Take a deep breath and open your eyes. Write down any symbols words or your experience in general.

Next we will discuss fears and blocks we have in “hearing and listening” to the angels and learn many ways angels make their presence known (smells and signs) along with other angelic fun!

In the meantime, PRACTICE and EXPECT them to answer!

 Angels fly because they are lighthearted and they want you to fly too!




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