
The Law of Attraction/Laws of the Universe

The Law of Attraction/Laws of the Universe

The Law of Attraction is one of the better known Universal laws. The theory behind the Law of Attraction is that we create our own realities. You need to change how you look at things and what the energy of the higher dimensions tells you about the law of attraction. It is about looking at things not from a 3rd dimensional level of physicality but from a more knowing point of view.

I am going to be posting a number of “blogs” covering this subject. I know for some of you this will feel a little overwhelming. The information unfortunately wraps around a number of topics in order to bring it to a conclusion so I will try my best to keep it in a format (ha!) of some sort. I struggle in creating this information because some of the concepts are difficult to understand as we are really not coming from a comfort zone that we have lived with. But where has that gotten you?

Attraction We attract things we want and we also attract things we don't want. We attract the people in our lives, the stuff in our homes and the money in our bank accounts through our thoughts and feelings. When our beliefs are limited, we attract limited wealth and compromise our well-being. When we believe anything is possible, the sky's the limit.

In fact, you can break through that glass roof on the sky with your positive thoughts. When we focus on the "lack of" we are creating a less-than reality. But, if focus on being abundant and happy we will enjoy a luxurious and glorious reality.

Although the theory behind the Law of Attraction is very simple, putting it into practice on a conscious level takes work. Negative and limiting belief systems are buried deep inside us. Changing or ridding yourself of ideas and old habits that defeat you at every turn can be done.

Everybody's starting to look for more meaning in life. You need to start paying closer attention to those seemingly "Chance Coincidences" - strange occurrences that feel like they were meant to happen. We have been taught so many times over that it is “synchronicity” or “coincidence” when really it is neither. It is reciprocity. They are actually reciprocal events, and following them will start you on your path to spiritual truth.

Synchronicity is an interconnection with the Universe with an underlying web of linkages that brings people and events together in a way not based in a traditional comprehension of causality. Reciprocity is setting your path before you through your own power, path and thoughts.Isn’t that what you want? To be in charge of yourself? To hold your own power?

You have been taught that there are essentially 3 steps to the law.

1.       Ask - You must know what you want. I mean, really know what you want. The universe can't deliver without first knowing what it is that you want to have manifested into your life.

2.       Believe - You need to truly believe that what you are asking for will become yours. Doubts need to be pushed away. The idea that failure is a possibility will mess up the delivery.

3.       Receive - It is important that you become an active player in reaching your goals. When opportunity comes your way you must not hesitate. Grab the brass ring when it appears.

You likely know someone who is a great at manifesting. You may even have felt somewhat jealous of that person because it appears they have everything, seemingly getting these things with little effort as if they were born under a lucky star. Well, it may be that they very well were born with the knowledge of manifesting already intact.

Attracting Abundance is Knowledge As any other skill people have, manifesting is no different from playing the piano or flipping pancakes in the air. How good you are at it depends on how efficient you have become at performing it. And, although some of us are better at certain skills, that doesn't mean the rest of us can't improve or even surpass the talent expressed by another.

Those people who are efficient in attracting have trained their minds to focus on their desires. They have learned it so well that they often times don't even realize how they do it. Abundance comes to them naturally. They wouldn't blink an eye if someone suggested they don't deserve something, it isn't part of their reality.

We create our own reality. We attract those things in our life (money, relationships, employment) that we focus on. I wish I could tell you that it is as simple as stating an affirmation, but no affirmation is going to work if your thoughts or feelings are negating the positive.

When we focus on "having less" then we create that experience for ourselves. When we focus on "I hate my job" then we will never notice the aspects of our employment that might be satisfying. Basically, just wanting something isn't going to bring that to us when we continue to obsess on the not having of that something. All we will experience is "not having" and will be ultimately blocking our true desires.  Better to focus on a particular object or scenario rather than on winnings or cash.

Another mistake that we make is that we tend to think of abundance in terms of how much money we have in our bank accounts. I personally think focusing on winning the lottery is a fruitless event. Focusing on winning the lottery is kind of like focusing on "not having." I say this because of some discussions I've had with those who have held this desire. They have shared what they would do with the winnings if they won.

Yet, some of the things they say they would do with the money they could actually already be doing with their current incomes on a smaller scale, but they don't. Why not? Because they cling to what they perceive as their meager savings with the attitude that they don't have enough out of fear.

When we are focused on "not enough" it won't ever matter how much we have, it will never be enough.

What do you focus on?

Barbara Rocha2 Comments